Ling Loo and Lang Loo are conjoined twins.
Ling Loo and Lang Loo are conjoined twins. For the first time in history the twins are conjoined in two places; the head and the torso. The Loo's physicians are struggling to come up with a safe plan to separate the twins. "It is not what body parts the twins share", explains Dr. Wa, "but rather that there is a delicate balance and a large amount of surgery required to separate the twins." Still Dr. Wa is optimistic saying, "While this not as technically challenging as one would expect, it is do you separate the twins at the head first or the body?" Since the surgery required is so extensive, separation must be completed in two phases. As other surgeons have their opinions, Dr. Wa says of "The choice rests with him". When I asked about the challenges of making a decision, Dr. Wa says, "It's a loo loo!"